The trouble is we forget after a while that they are illusions and we are deeply shocked when reality is torn down around us.
A nihilistic violence due to ennui, boredom and a cancerlike consumerism had replaced everything at the center of humans' psyches”. - J.G.Ballard

The reason is our technological advance, the nightmare the uses to which we have put it.” - Theodore Dalrymple

All we've got left is our own psychopathology.
It's the only freedom we have – that's a dangerous state of affairs.
That's where boredom comes in – a paralysing conformity and boredom that can only be relieved by some sort of violent act; by taking your mail-order Kalashnikov into the nearest supermarket and letting rip.” - J.G.Ballard

Boredom and a lack of common purpose provoke aggression, and self-destruction follows. Prosperity is not enough.” - Theodore Dalrymple

I think we are moving into extremely volatile and dangerous times, as modern electronic technologies give mankind almost unlimited powers to play with its own psychopathology as a game.
Sooner or later, everything turns into television.” - J.G.Ballard

They swore and screamed abuse and made fascistic gestures and urinated in the street with the same abandon that they attributed to the proletarians.” - Theodore Dalrymple

We have become bored with what we have inherited, to which, for lack of talent, we have contributed so humiliatingly little. Ballard understands why educated people, haunted by the pointlessness of their lives, feel the need to loot, and he satirizes it in Millennium People.
This mind-set can result in the violence from which, as Ballard discovered early in life, we are always but a hairbreadth away, however solidly founded our comfort may seem.” - Theodore Dalrymple

Poliția a identificat între jefuitori, studenți, absolvenți de facultate, muzicieni, o balerină, un pastor baptist, un bucătar, un consultant de asigurări, toți provenind din clasa mijlocie.

I've tried to nail down a certain kind of nihilism that people may embrace, and which politicians may embrace, which is much more terrifying; all tapping into this vast, untouched resource as big as the Arabian oilfields called psychopathology.” - J.G.Ballard

They saw me as the enemy.
I was the one who wanted to subvert everything they believed…. I’m some sort of virus who got aboard and penetrated the virtue of Science Fiction and began to subvert its DNA.” - J.G.Ballard
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