Premiile Shirley Jackson pentru 2008 ("for outstanding achievement in the literature of psychological suspense, horror and the dark fantastic")au fost acordate la Readercon 20(Burlington, Massachusetts,S.U.A),pe data de 12 iulie 2009,cu ocazia Conferinţei despre literatura imaginativă.
Cîştigătorii şi nominalizaţii sînt:
"The Shadow Year"-Jeffrey Ford (William Morrow)
"Alive in Necropolis"-Doug Dorst (Riverhead Hardcover)
"The Man on the Ceiling"-Steve Rasnic Tem & Melanie Tem (Wizards of the Coast Discoveries)
"Pandemonium"-Daryl Gregory (Del Rey)
"The Resurrectionist"-Jack O’Connell (Algonquin )
"Tender Morsels"-Margo Lanagan (Knopf Books for Young Readers)
"Disquiet"-Julia Leigh (Penguin/Hamish Hamilton)
"N"-Stephen King (Just After Sunset, Scribner)
"Dormitory"-Yoko Ogawa (The Diving Pool, Picador)
"Living With the Dead"-Darrell Schweitzer (PS Publishing)
"The Long Trial of Nolan Dugatti"-Stephen Graham Jones (Chiasmus)
"Pride and Prometheus"-John Kessel (F&SF)
"Hunger Moon"-Deborah Noyes (The Ghosts of Kerfol)
"The Lagerstatte"-Laird Barron (The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy)
"Penguins of the Apocalypse"-William Browning Spencer (Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy)
"The Situation"-Jeff VanderMeer (PS Publishing)
"The Pile"-Michael Bishop (Subterranean Online, Winter 2008)
"68° 07’ 15"N, 31° 36’ 44"W"-Conrad Williams (Fast Ships, Black Sails)
"The Dinner Party"-Joshua Ferris (The New Yorker, 08/11/08)
"Evidence of Love in a Case of Abandonment:One Daughter’s Personal Account"-M. Rickert (F&SF, Oct/Nov 2008)
"The Inner City"-Karen Heuler (Cemetery Dance #58, 2008)
"Intertropical Convergence Zone"-Nadia Bulkin (ChiZine, Issue 37, 2008)
"The Diving Pool"-Yoko Ogawa (Picador)
"Just After Sunset"-Stephen King (Scribner)
"Wild Nights!"-Joyce Carol Oates (Ecco)
"A Better Angel"-Chris Adrian (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux)
"Dangerous Laughter"-Steven Millhauser (Knopf)
"The Girl on the Fridge"-Etgar Keret (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux)
"The New Uncanny"-Sarah Eyre and Ra Page, eds. (Comma)
"Bound for Evil"-Tom English, ed. (Dead Letter)
"Exotic Gothic 2:New Tales of Taboo"-Danel Olson, ed. (Ash-Tree)
"Fast Ships, Black Sails"-Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, eds. (Night Shade)
"Shades of Darkness"-Barbara & Christopher Roden, eds. (Ash-Tree)
Primele Premii anuale Shirley Jackson Awards (pentru 2007)au fost acordate pe 20 iulie 2008 la Readercon Conference on Imaginative Literature,care a avut loc în Burlington, Massachusetts,S.U.
Juriul a fost compus din John Langan, Sarah Langan, Paul G. Tremblay şi F. Brett Cox.
Premiile s-au acordat următoarelor categorii:
Roman:"Generation Loss"-Elizabeth Hand
Nuvelă:"Vacancy"-Lucius Shepard
Nuveletă:"The Janus Tree"-Glen Hirshberg
Povetire:"The Monsters of Heaven"-Nathan Ballingrud
Culegere:"The Imago Sequence and Other Stories"-Laird Barron
Antologie:"Inferno",editor Ellen Datlow
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