

WORLD SCIENCE FICTION COURSE 2015, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, S.U.A.

 Doamna Prof.Dr.Arielle Saiber de la prestigioasa universitate americană Bowdoin College (Brunswick, Maine, S.U.A.) a organizat și lansat un curs dedicat SF-ului mondial și destinat studenților. Cursul se desfășoară între 19 ianuarie și 12 mai 2015 :


Remarcăm prezența povestirii SF a colegului nostru din SRSFF, scriitorul Silviu Genescu,  „Glimpses of a Faraway World” (Romania, 1994) și a video-conferinței lui Cristian Tamaș (via Skype) dedicate SF-ului european și românesc din data de miercuri 25 martie 2015.

De asemenea, am remarcat existența în programa cursului a povestirilor lui Gheorghe Săsărman, “Senezia” (Romania, 1975) și Ion Hobana, “Night Broadcast” (Romania, 1986).
Felicitări colegilor noștri și doamnei Prof. Arielle Saiber !

World Science Fiction Course, 
Prof. Arielle Saiber, Bowdoin College,  USA, Spring 2015
19.01. – 12.05. 2015

This course explores the local, global, and universal natures of the speculative genre of science fiction (SF) from the early twentieth century through the present. It highlights works from the Golden Age (late 1930s-’50s), the New Wave of the 1960s and ’70s, cyberpunk in the 1980s, and today’s various sub-genres and cross-over incarnations. We will approach the genre as a mode of thought-experimentation and world-building that problematizes actual and possible political, cultural, natural, human, and techno-scientific realities. Among the themes included are the human-machine interface, environmental apocalypse, the alien, and time travel.
Readings include short stories from nearly every continent (a number of which will be accompanied by a short film or other media) and literary criticism. Integral to the course is an exhibition of Latin American SF at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art and a number of conversations with writers, artists, filmmakers, and scholars of SF from around the world.

Speaker Series :

Throughout the semester, we will hear writers and scholars speak about their national SF.  A few speakers will come to campus; others will be recorded and viewed; and others will virtually visit our class via Skype for about a half an hour each.

On-Campus Speakers:
Sherryl Vint, “To Seek Out New Worlds: Science Fiction in A Global Perspective”, February 5, 2015  –  7pm –   Main Lounge, Moulton Union, Bowdoin College
Lisa Yaszek, “Afrofuturism as Global Science Fiction”, April 1, 2015  –  7pm  –  Main Lounge, Moulton Union, Bowdoin College

Virtual Speakers:

Giulia Iannuzzi and Francesco Verso (Italy)
Cristian Tamas (Romania)
Paweł Frelik (Poland)
Anatoly Belilovsky (Russia)
Ken Liu (USA-China)
James Patrick Kelly (USA)
Miguel Ángel Fernández Delgado (Mexico)
Rachel Haywood-Ferreira (on José B. Adolph’s “The Falsifier,” Peru, 1972)
Minsoo Kang (Korea)
Vandana Singh (India)
Lavie Tidhar (Israel)
Nick Wood (South Africa)

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