
Nominalizari Nebula

Pentru ca, anterior, anuntam nominalizarile la Premiul Nebula, sa incerc sa va usurez posibilitatea de a citi unele dintre textele nominalizate:

Nominalizari Analog:

Best Short Story:
The Astronaut, Brian Plante - http://www.analogsf.com/nebulas09/astronaut.shtml

Best Novelette:
Quaestiones Super Caelo et Mundo, Michael F. Flynn - http://www.analogsf.com/nebulas09/QUaestionares.shtml

Best Novella:
The Spacetime Pool, Catherine Asaro - http://www.analogsf.com/nebulas09/TheSpacetimepool.shtml

Easter Egg:

Nominalizari Asimovs SF:

Best Novelette:
The Ray-Gun: A Love Story, James Alan Gardner - http://www.asimovs.com/nebulas09/Raygun.shtml
Dark Rooms, Lisa Goldstein - http://www.asimovs.com/nebulas09/darkrooms.shtml
The Prophet of Flores, Ted Kosmatka - http://www.asimovs.com/nebulas09/prophet.shtml

Best Short Story:
Skull Valley, Michael Cassutt - http://www.asimovs.com/nebulas09/Skullvalley.shtml
26 Monkeyss, Also the Abyss, Kij Johnson - http://www.asimovs.com/nebulas09/26monkeys.shtml
Don't Stop, James Patrick Kelly - http://www.asimovs.com/nebulas09/dontstop.shtml
How Music Begins, James Van Pelt - http://www.asimovs.com/nebulas09/howmusicbegins.shtml

Din pacate, acestea sunt singurele linkuri pe care le pot atasa. Grabiti-va sa le cititi. Nu se stie cat timp vor mai fi postate.

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