

                CMTeodorescu_Larissa-ed 2

Cristian Mihail Teodorescu is one of the best contemporary Romanian science fiction writers, the only Romanian author of speculative fiction nominated for the Grand Prix de L’Imaginaire (France) and one of the few Romanian authors who writes Hard SF.

Big Bang Larissa” – in the text that gives the title of this volume, Cristian Mihail Teodorescu flawlessly creates the universe of a perfectly credible alternative civilization despite the comic register chosen by the author in order to unleash his fictional strength. The Culture of the Finance, pushed to the extreme (even today actually foretold by many of the mankind’s obsessions), very pleasantly is evocating me the Ferengi culture from Star Trek : Deep Space Nine.” – Dănuţ Ungureanu 

“One of Cristian Mihail Teodorescu’s strengths is his literary witty and zesty dialogue that gives life to his dynamic scenarios. Case 74 (“Dosarul 74”, the 1987 Romanian Science Fiction Convention Award) choose the solution of the reconstituted subject through fragments from the pieces of a process from the future. A fusion between the logic-based paradox humor and the cynical comic.” – Mircea Opriţă 
Cristian Mihail Teodorescu is born in Bucharest (Romania) the 19th october of 1966. Married, with four children, is a physicist and works as Senior Scientist at the National Institute of Materials Physics, Bucharest-Măgurele. PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University Paris Sud, France in 1995. Between 1991-1996 he was a researcher at the University Paris Sud Orsay, France; between 1996-1998 at the University of Osnabrück, Germany; between 1998-2001 again in Orsay, France; between 2001-2002 at Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, Great Britain.
He has 110 published scientific papers in ISI journals.

As writer, Cristian has won many Romanian SF Awards since 1987 for Case 74. His first published book is “SF One” (SF Unu : Bastion Press), from 2008. In 2010 he wins for “SF Two” (SF Doi; Bastion Press), two SF Awards as “Best Book” (Ion Hobana and ARSFAN).  Between 2010 and 2014 is translated in English, French, Spanish and now also in Italian.
In 2013 he’s nominated for the French “Grand Prix de l’Immaginaire”; Guest of Honor at the 2014 National French SF Convention, Nemo in Amiens, France. 
In 2014 he publishes “The Sensoriad” (Senzoriada), a short-stories collection for Nemira Press.
He’s also a founding member and President of the Romanian Science Fiction and Fantasy Society (SRSFF).
Cristian Mihail Teodorescu’s short story “The Death of Mr.Teodorescu” was translated into French and published in the prestigious french SF magazine, “Galaxies“.

CMT_Bing Bang

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