

Prophets of Science Fiction  („Profeții universului SF”), 2011, S.U.A

Ridley Scott, geniul creator, autorul filmelor SF „Blade Runner”, „Alien, „Prometheus este prezent pe Discovery Science cu serialul documentar în opt episoade, „Prophets of Science Fiction” (Profeţii universului SF).
Ridley Scott devine un ghid care explorează relaţia dintre SF şi lumea în permanentă evoluţie a ştiinţei şi tehnologiei. De la Mary Shelley, Jules Verne, Herbert George Wells, Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C.Clarke pînă la Philip K. Dick, imaginația acestor scriitori a devenit adesea sursă de inspiraţie pentru cercetătorii ce au studiat pentru a face următoarele mari descoperiri care ne-au transformat viețile. Plus un episod dedicat regizorului George Lucas.
Printre invitați se numără David Brin, Kim Stanley Robinson, Harlan Ellison, Michio Kaku.
În occident cele opt episoade au fost difuzate în perioada noiembrie 2011 și februarie 2012.
Regizorul serialului : Declan Whitebloom, scenaristul : Kevin Tavolaro iar naratorul este Jonathan Adams.

„Executive Producer Ridley Scott presents Prophets of Science Fiction :

The "Science Fiction" of the past has now simply become "Science". And the science of the future was strangely prophesied by a group of visionaries whose dreams once may have deemed them renegades and "mad scientists," have become reality!

What once was just imagination is now real; what was once the distant future is now around the corner. The "Science Fiction" of the past has now simply become "Science". And the science of the future was strangely prophesied by a group of visionaries whose dreams once may have deemed them renegades and "mad scientists," have become reality !

In 1950, the term "Robotics" was coined by author Isaac Asimov in his book I ROBOT — and our collective imagination reeled. In the years since, literature, movies and television have allowed us to embrace the notion that the ideas of a few inspired visionaries could be made real. What is more astonishing is that these ideas have been, are currently and will be put to practice in our everyday lives. Each episode of the upcoming series PROPHETS OF SCIENCE FICTION will focus on how the great minds of Science Fiction imagined our future for us, and how some, in turn, made their fantasies real.
In a dynamic hyper-stylized way that has never been seen before … we will take a tour of what was, and what will be through the eyes of the visionary authors, illustrators, filmmakers, and scientists who have become the PROPHETS OF SCIENCE FICTION ! ”

Duminică 3 iunie 2012
18:30 ; 21.00
Profeţii universului SF
George Lucas
„De la săbiile Jedi până la Steaua Morţii, "Războiul Stelelor" este una dintre cele mai definitorii opere SF ale secolului 20. Regizorul Ridley Scott explorează creaţiile lui Lucas.”

 Arthur C. Clarke
Discovery Science 4 iunie 7:00, 6 iunie 20:20, 6 iunie 22:50, 7 iunie 13:00, 9 iunie 14:45, 9 iunie 23:40
Isaac Asimov
Discovery Science 24 iunie 19:30, 24 iunie 22:00, 25 iunie 7:00, 27 iunie 20:20, 27 iunie 22:50, 28 iunie 13:00, 30 iunie 14:45, 30 iunie 23:40

Robert Heinlein
Discovery Science 17 iunie 19:30, 17 iunie 22:00, 18 iunie 7:00, 20 iunie 20:20, 20 iunie 22:50, 21 iunie 13:00, 23 iunie 14:45, 23 iunie 23:40

Philip K. Dick
Discovery Science 10 iunie 19:30, 10 iunie 22:00, 11 iunie 7:00, 13 iunie 20:20, 13 iunie 22:50, 14 iunie 13:00, 16 iunie 14:45, 16 iunie 23:40

Mary Shelley
It’s alive! Mary Shelley set out to create a monster--along the way she created a masterpiece. In 1816, teenager Mary begins stitching together a patchwork of ancient legend, modern technology, and personal tragedy--giving life to her novel, „Frankenstein”...and the genre of science fiction.
Jules Verne
Jules Verne
He put a man on the Moon in the Victorian Era. He criticized the Internet...in 1863. Jules Verne is the ultimate futurist, with a legacy of sci-fi stories predicting everything from fuel cell technology to viral advertising. The extraordinary voyages of Jules Verne have inspired art, industry, culture, and technology.

H.G. Wells
H.G. Wells
„I told you so...” H.G. Wells' self penned epitaph underscores a lifetime of grim yet uncanny prophecy. With stories like The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, The World Set Free, and The War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells established himself as a sci-fi writer of almost clairvoyant talent.

Arthur C. Clarke
Some sci-fi storytellers are content to merely predict, but Sir Arthur C. Clarke creates. The writer is single-handedly responsible for the cornerstone of modern telecommunication technology: the satellite. Clarke's collaboration with director Stanley Kubrick on the iconic 2001 predicted videophones, iPads, and commercial spaceflight, while redefining science-fiction cinema for a new generation.

Isaac Asimov
He saved the future from Evil Robots! Isaac Asimov dreamed a better future where we need not fear our own technology. His I, Robot stories of a sci-fi future where robots can do our jobs for us lead to the creation of real-life industrial robots and paved the way for a robo-friendly world.

Robert Heinlein
Sci-fi legend Robert Heinlein is a walking contradiction. His stories address themes of patriotism, and duty while stressing the importance of personal freedom and expression. His groundbreaking stories like Starship Troopers and Stranger in a Strange Land continue to challenge readers with a steadfast theme: what is freedom?

Philip K. Dick
Philip K. Dick
Literary genius, celebrated visionary, paranoid outcast: Writer Philip K. Dick lived a life of ever-shifting realities straight from the pages of his mind-bending sci-fi stories. His books have inspired films like „Blade Runner”, „Total Recall”, and „Minority Report”. His work confronts readers with a deceptively simple question: What is reality?

George Lucas From Luke Skywalker's light sabre to Darth Vader's Death Star, the Star Wars franchise is one of the defining science fiction works of the later 20th century. George Lucas' prolific imagination has already inspired two generations of scientists and engineers to push the envelope of technology. By introducing computers into the filmmaking process, he changed the way movies are made, and the way we all see the future.



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