

Pe site-ul Eurocon 2012 (Kontakt) au fost postate informații referitoare la antologia „Bella Proxima” (antologie trilingvă de SF croat), colaborare a SRSFF și Eagle Publishing House (Mugur Cornilă).

Pe site sînt menționate de asemeni, inițiativele românești, panelurile INTERCULTURAL EUROPEAN EXCHANGES (la care participă Cheryl Morgan, de patru ori laureată a Premiilor Hugo), EUROPEAN HARD SF (cu participarea celebrului scriitor rus Dmitri Gluhovski) și prezentarea antologiei SRSFF & Eagle Publishing House, „Bella Proxima”.
Antuza Genescu a fost cooptată în cadrul panelului internațional, „TRANSLATING SF”, alături de Piotr Cholewa (Polonia), Tatjana Jambrisak (Croația) și Boris Sidiuk (Ucraina).
Cristian Mihail Teodorescu va citi la „Reading Corner”, povestiri de-ale sale traduse în engleză.

„Bella Proxima & Romanian intercultural project

The Romanian SF&F society SRSFF had started a very ambitious and praiseworthy intercultural project on the European level – the exchange of texts, interviews, information and ideas between various European SF communities.
The first result of this project is the promotion of the Croatian Science Fiction through the trilingual anthology Bella Proxima (in Romanian, Croatian and English), which will be presented on Kontakt.
The presenters will be Romanian translators, editors and Croatian authors, presented in the book.

However the SRSFF society has even more to offer; we invite you to attend two more Romanian panels:

European Intercultural Exchanges about their next intercultural project with the various european SF communities and their future plans.
European Hard SF as a sub-genre within the European science fiction since Jules Verne.

Trilingual anthology – BELLA PROXIMA

The Romanian SF&F society SRSFF had started a very ambitious and praiseworthy intercultural project on the European level – the exchange of texts, interviews, information and ideas between various European SF communities.
The result of the first project is the promotion of the Croatian Science Fiction through the trilingual anthology BELLA PROXIMA (in Romanian, Croatian and English), which will be presented on Kontakt.
The editors are: Antuza Genescu, Cristian Tamaș and Aleksandar Žiljak.
The stories were translated by: Cristian Tamaș, Antuza Genescu, Adina Barvinschi and Liviu Radu.
The publisher is Mugur Cornilă, Eagle Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania.
Cover: Dreamstime Agency.

Here is the anthology content:

• Aleksandar Žiljak – Introduction (translated by Cristian Tamaș)
• Aleksandar Žiljak – Science Fiction in Croatia (translated by Cristian Tamaș)
• Tatjana Jambrišak – Bella Proxima (translated by Adina Barvinschi)
• Ed Barol – Dora (translated by Adina Barvinschi)
• Sanja Tenjer – Pacman (translated by Liviu Radu)
• Zoran Krušvar – Rentals (translated by Antuza Genescu)
• Mihaela Marija Perković – The Final Exam (translated by Antuza Genescu)
• Aleksandar Žiljak –
An Evening in the City Coffehouse with Lydia on my Mind (translated by Antuza Genescu)

„The most wanted news on the Kontakt website (and FB), the official schedule, is finally here !

Hereby we we would like to emphasize the special topic of SFeraKon/Eurocon 2012:

Kontakt Special Track - short presentations of fandoms and SF & F literature from Non-English speaking countries to facilitate a closer contact between European national fandoms .

All presentations, along with anything interesting that happens at the con itself will be published in an electronic format by Kontakt and made available free online for all fans of SF&F.

Besides Q & A’s, where our GoH-s Tim Powers, Darko Macan, Charles Stross and Dmitry Glukhovsky will present themselves, you can hear what they have to say at all sorts of different panels.

However, we point out the literary workshop of Tim Powers: MAKING THE READER BELIVE IT! (Saturday, 17:00 – 18:15) and Macan’s Comics Workshop for Kids (Sunday, 13:15 to 14:30).

One of the most interesenting panels will definitely be Free On Line Fiction with Stross, Glukhovsky and Powers together as panelists.

Glukhovsky will also tell us something more on panels: European Hard SF and E- Publishing, while Stross and Powers will probably take the opposite sides on the panel Steampunk in Literature.

This year’s FAN GoH, Cheryl Morgan, 4 times Hugo award winner and a very active member of the international science fiction community will also participate in many panels as the romanian panel, INTERCULTURAL EXCHANGES.

As you can see we can expect a wide range of lectures, presentations, exhibitions, reading corner activities, panels and all sorts of entertainment.” „The Goals of the European Science Fiction Society are :

(a) to find ways and means of establishing contacts between the Science Fiction (SF) professionals and fans;
(b) to ensure better mutual knowledge of SF literature and arts and of fandom activity in the European countries;
(c) to propose the cognition of European SF in the rest of the world.

The organisation was founded at the first European Science Fiction Convention, Eurocon, which was held in 1972 in Trieste, Italy.
Since that time, the organisation has organized European Science Fiction Conventions (Eurocons) at least every two years.”
- The European Science Fiction Society (ESFS) Statutes

Zagreb, Facultatea de Electrotehnică și Informatică, locul desfășurării Eurocon-ului 2012 (SFeraKon 34), organizator : asociația SFera, Zagreb, Croația

și Hotel International (Miramarska 24, Zagreb), joi 26 - vineri 27 aprilie 2012 :

Site-ul Eurocon-ului 2012, KONTAKT, a postat o însemnare despre SRSFF și articolul pe care l-am scris despre viitorul eveniment :

Friendly voices from Romania

Societatea Romana de Science Fiction si Fantasy (SRSFF) held a contest awarding the winners with their anthology Pangaia.
To win, contestant had to answer correctly to all the questions that were connected with Eurocon 2012 host – Croatia. Besides the contest, they announced Kontakt, and gave their experiences with previous Eurocons, as well as a short history of this manifestation and how it all started – Yes, Romanian fandom is partly to blame for starting it all in the 70-ies ! Be sure to buy them a drink when you meet them at Kontakt ! ( :)) - nota mea)

You can check the article here, where you will also find stories of Croatian SF authors translated in Romanian

Deja sînt 9 români înscriși la Eurocon 2012 și cu siguranță numărul participanților din România va crește:

Cristian-Mihail Teodorescu
Cristian Corneliu Tamaș
Antuza Genescu
Eugen Lenghel
Ștefania Rusoiu
Laurențiu Demetrovici
Laurențiu Nistorescu
Viorel Pîrligras
Daniel Ninoiu

Lista înscrișilor, aici.


Zagreb, Facultatea de Electrotehnică și Informatică, (FER = Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, strada Unska nr.3 ), locul desfășurării Eurocon-ului 2012

și Hotel International (Miramarska 24, Zagreb), joi 26 - vineri 27 aprilie 2012 :

What to expect ?

You can definitely expect varied programming with parallel programme tracks and at least one programme item in English at all times.

We have a lot of experience with organizing conventions. Zagreb’s SFeraKon convention, which we organize every year, is the longest-running and the biggest annual science fiction convention in Croatia and this part of Europe. The first SFeraKon was held in 1979, and Eurocon convention called Ballcon was held in Zagreb in 1986. Usually more than 800 participants and visitors from all over Croatia and the region roam the convention halls and we had guests of honour such as Frederik Pohl, Robert Silverberg, Guy Gavriel Kay, Lois McMaster Bujold, Michael Swanwick, Bruce Sterling etc.

This is how we do it : The formal part

SFeraKon is held during the last full weekend in April (Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 26-29.04.2012). The main, formal part of the program consists of lectures (topics: SF literature, SF cinema, science in SF), book promotions (Croatian editions of foreign books, especially books written by Croatian authors), panels and movie screenings. Every year we invite a world-famous science fiction author as a guest of honor, who also gives lectures and/or holds writing workshops.

In an effort to raise the quality standards and popularize and encourage domestic SF production, the SFera Society has been awarding the annual SFERA Award since 1981. The SFERA Award is the only national award for the SF genre in Croatia and it is presented during the SFERA Award Ceremony, the central event of SFeraKon. This is when the awards for best literary and art submissions for children are presented as well.

This is how we do it : The informal part

What’s a convention without the fun stuff ? The less formal but equally important part of each SFeraKon consists of quizzes, workshops, gaming tournaments, auctions, debates, costume competitions, different kinds of games, etc.

Amplasarea Facultății de Electrotehnică și Informatică, (FER = Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, strada Unska nr.3 ), locul desfășurării Eurocon-ului 2012.

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