

Laureații Premiilor Ion Hobana 2011 : de la stînga la dreapta - Cristian Mihail Teodorescu, Mircea Opriță, Bogdan Cătălin Mereuță, Liviu Radu, reprezentanții a patru generații ale SF&F-ului românesc

Primele ecouri internaționale referitoare la decernarea Premiilor Ion Hobana au apărut în cadrul rubricii de știri a revistei online de SF internațional InterNova :

News : May 14, 2011: Ion Hobana Awards 2011

„Established in the memory of Ion Hobana (1931-2011), a well known Romanian scholar and SF writer, “one of Romania’s academic SF grandmasters (Romania’s greatest SF academic)”, as Jonathan Cowie said, the yearly Ion Hobana Awards have been given for the first time by the Romanian Science Fiction & Fantasy Society and the Romanian Writers Union (Bucharest Branch) with the occasion of the Ion Hobana Colloquium “The Time and Times of Fiction”, Bucharest, Romania, May 7th, 2011.

The winners are :
Mircea Opriță : The Ion Hobana Award for Lifetime Achievement

Cristian Mihail Teodorescu : The Ion Hobana Award for the best SF volume in 2010 (SF Two)

Liviu Radu : The Ion Hobana Award for the Best Fantasy Novel in 2010 (The World of Waldemar)

Bogdan Cătălin Mereuță : The Ion Hobana Award for A Young Hope/debut under 35 years (the recipient is 13 years old and he has managed to publish in 2010 the SF novel The Virtual Warriors)

The Ion Hobana Awards had been sponsored by the Romanian Ministry of Culture,



SF Awards Watch :

Ion Hobana Awards

May 11th, 2011 by Editors

The winners of the 2011 Ian Hobana Awards which were announced in Bucharest on May 7th 2011:

•Lifetime Achievement: Mircea Opriță

•Best SF Volume: Cristian Mihail Teodorescu for SF Two

•Best Fantasy Novel: Liviu Radu for The World of Waldemar

•A Young Hope: Bogdan Cătălin Mereuță for his his SF novel The Virtual Warriors

Ion Hobana (1931-2011) was a famous Romanian SF scholar and writer”.



Ion Hobana Awards
Filed in Awards | Steven H Silver, May 17, 2011 12:33 pm

The winners of the Ion Hobana Award, named for the Romanian science fiction author, have been announced. The awards are presented for excellence in science fiction in Romania.

•Lifetime Achievement: Mircea Oprita
•Best SF Novel: SF Two, by Cristian Mihail Teodorescu
•Best Fantasy Novel: The World of Waldemar, by Liviu Radu
•A Young Hope: Bogdan Catalin Mereuta


Winners: Ion Hobana Awards

SF Tidbits for 5/16/11

The World SF Blog

The Ion Hobana Awards


Mircea Opriță : Premiul Ion Hobana pentru întreaga activitate literară (1800 de lei)

Liviu Radu : Premiul Ion Hobana Cartea anului 2010, genul Fantasy – „Lumea lui Waldemar” (1200 de lei)

Cristian Mihail Teodorescu : Premiul Ion Hobana Cartea anului 2010, genul SF – „S.F. Doi” (1200 de lei)

Bogdan Cătălin Mereuță : Premiul Ion Hobana „Speranța anului”, dedicat unui autor debutant sau la început de carieră, având vârsta sub 35 de ani – romanul „Luptătorii virtuali” (600 de lei)

Diplomele celor patru Premii Ion Hobana 2011

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