

Science Fiction in Romania since the 1990 revolution
Posted on January 27, 2011

Our friends at the Concatenation web site have recently posted Science Fiction in Romania since the 1990 revolution, a continuation of an earlier article, A brief history of Science Fiction in Romania up to 1990:

„Forging international links after 1990
And so, in 1993 a major, largely state-sponsored expedition of some 75 fans and writers made the long journey to Jersey (Channel Isles) for the 1993 Eurocon. This was the largest group of the Romanian community to travel to a foreign SF convention and is a Romanian record that remains unbroken to this day. This visit also served to promote the following year’s Eurocon that was to be held in Timisoara, Romania.

Romania first Eurocon in Timisoara, was held 26th-29th of May, 1994. It was a significant event, attended by several hundreds of people. Guests of Honour (GoHs) included John Brunner (UK), Herbert Franke (Austria), Joe Haldeman (US), Moebius (France), Norman Spinrad (US), Peter Cuczka (Hungary). Special guests were Jack Cohen (UK), Jonathan Cowie (UK), Gay Haldeman (US), Bridget Wilkinson (UK), Lee Wood (US) and Science Fact & Science Fiction Concatenation a Eurocon Award); two ((1995 and 2000) sponsored visits of Romanian fans to major SF events in Great Britain, two visits (1996 and 1997) of British fans to Romania; and two International Weeks of Science and Science Fiction held in Timisoara (1999 and 2003) complete with internationally renowned GoHs, nationally known writers and fan GoHs.

Both International Weeks of Science and Science Fiction were organised in cooperation with H. G. Wells Society (Timisoara) as well as by those (in both the UK and Romania) involved in the aforementioned Anglo-Romanian Exchange. The first (1999) International Week coincided with a solar eclipse. Robert Sheckley (US) was the Guest of Honour, Tony Chester (England) was Fan Guest. The second, in May 2003, was even more international with fans from Hungary as well as Spain and, as previously, the Great Britain. Writer Istvan Nemere (Hungary) was meant to be the Eastern European Guest of Honour but, sadly, ill health prevented his attending (he was represented instead by the Fortean academic Mandic Gyorgy). Danut Ungureanu (Romania) was the host nation Guest of Honour. Ian Watson (Great Britain) was the western Guest of Honour who also adopted the role of H. G. Wells as the event’s Ghost of Honour. Scot and Worldcon organiser Vince Docherty was the Fan GoH while writer Roberto Quaglia (Italy) reprised his 1999 role as Toastmaster. This 2003 event also attracted significant coverage in regional and national newspapers, radio and TV. Both International Weeks included a day and an open public event in the nearby town of Jimbolia and a reception by its mayor.”


Tuesday Fiction: “LAPINS” by Michael Haulica
Posted on January 25, 2011
LAPINS By Michael Haulica Translated by Adriana Mosoiu[...]

Romanian SF&F Awards Announced
Posted on November 24, 2010
The Romanian Science Fiction&Fantasy Society (SRSFF) Awards 2010 Friday, November the 19th 2010, at the Gaudeamus International Book Fair (Bucharest, Romania), were awarded the SRSFF (Societatea Romana de Science Fiction si Fantasy) 2010 prizes. These awards are meant to highlight the efforts of those who, during the year promoted and contributed to the romanian science fiction [...]

The European Science Fiction Society Awards 2010
Posted on September 2, 2010
Science Fiction Awards Watch has posted the winners of the ESFS Awards: Hall of Fame Awards Best Author: Stephen Baxter, Great Britain Best Artist; Martina Pilcerova, Slovakia Best Translator; Piotr Cholewa, Poland Best Magazine; SRSFF, Romania Best Website/Magazine; [...]

European SF Award Nominations 2010 Announced
Posted on August 4, 2010
The 2010 nominees for the European SF Society Awards have been announced: Best Author Yana Dubinyanska – Ukraine Heidrun Jänchen, Michael K. Iwoleit - Germany Vadim Panov - Russia Juraj Cervenak – Slovakia (SK) George Lazăr - Romania [...]

Interview with Sebastian A. Corn
Posted on November 18, 2009
Sebastian A. Corn is the literary pseudonym of Florin Chirculescu, who was born in 1960 in Bucureşti, Romania. He studied medicine and in the everyday life is a thoracic surgeon. He made his debut with the short story “Snorky” in 1994 in Jurnalul SF (The SF Journal) and since then he published stories in different [...]

Book Review: Adrenergic! by Sebastian A. Corn
Posted on November 18, 2009
Adrenergic! by Sebastian A. Corn Format: Paperback, 112 pages Publisher: Millennium Press Review by Mihai Adascalitei
Sebastian A. Corn is one of the most important Romanian science fiction authors, with 7 novels awarded by the Romanian speculative fiction community and with important appearances on the speculative fiction magazines. “Adrenergic!” is a novella first published in [...]

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