

World Fantasy Convention, Columbus, Ohio, S.U.A.
28 - 31 Octombrie 2010, Hotelul Hyatt Regency

Hotelul Hyatt Regency, Columbus

Premiile World Fantasy constau în busturi ale celebrului autor Howard Phillips Lovecraft, datorită contribuției acestuia la domeniul imaginarului.

Laureații Premiilor World Fantasy pentru 2009 au fost anunțați ieri 31 octombrie în cadrul banchetului care a încheiat Convenția mondială de Fantasy.
Din cadrul juriului au făcut parte Greg Ketter, Kelly Link, Jim Minz, Jürgen Snoeren și Gary K. Wolfe.


„The City & The City” -China Miéville (Macmillan UK/ Del Rey); trad.rom. - editura Tritonic, 2010

„Blood of Ambrose” - James Enge (Pyr)
„The Red Tree” - Caitlín R. Kiernan (Roc)
„Finch” - Jeff VanderMeer (Underland)
„In Great Waters” - Kit Whitfield (Jonathan Cape UK/Del Rey)


„Sea-Hearts” - Margo Lanagan (X6 )

„The Women of Nell Gwynne’s” - Kage Baker (Subterranean)
„I Needs Must Part, the Policeman Said” - Richard Bowes (F&SF 12/09)
„The Lion’s Den” - Steve Duffy (Nemonymous Nine: Cern Zoo)
„The Night Cache” - Andy Duncan (PS)
„Everland” - Paul Witcover (Everland and Other Stories)


„The Pelican Bar” - Karen Joy Fowler (Eclipse Three)

„A Journal of Certain Events of Scientific Interest from the First Survey Voyage of the Southern Waters by HMS Ocelot, As Observed by Professor Thaddeus Boswell, DPhil, MSc, or, A Lullaby” - Helen Keeble (Strange Horizons 6/09)
„Singing on a Star” - Ellen Klages (Firebirds Soaring)
„The Persistence of Memory, or This Space for Sale” - Paul Park (Postscripts 20/21: Edison’s Frankenstein)
„In Hiding” - R.B. Russell (Putting the Pieces in Place)
„Light on the Water” - Genevieve Valentine (Fantasy 10/09)

„American Fantastic Tales: Terror and the Uncanny: From Poe to the Pulps/From the 1940s to Now” - Peter Straub, editor (Library of America)

„Poe” - Ellen Datlow, ed. (Solaris)
„Songs of The Dying Earth : Stories in Honor of Jack Vance” - George R.R. Martin & Gardner Dozois, editori (Subterranean/Voyager)
„Exotic Gothic 3 : Strange Visitations” - Danel Olson, editor (Ash-Tree)
„Eclipse Three” - Jonathan Strahan, editor (Night Shade)
„The Very Best of Fantasy & Science Fiction : Sixtieth Anniversary Anthology” - Gordon Van Gelder, editor (Tachyon)

Culegere de povestiri (egalitate)

„There Once Lived a Woman Who Tried To Kill Her Neighbor’s Baby: Scary Fairy Tales” - Ludmilla Petrușevskaia (Penguin)

„The Very Best of Gene Wolfe/The Best of Gene Wolfe” - Gene Wolfe (PS /Tor)

„We Never Talk About My Brother” - Peter S. Beagle (Tachyon)
„Fugue State” - Brian Evenson (Coffee House)
„Northwest Passages” - Barbara Roden (Prime)
„Everland and Other Stories” - Paul Witcover (PS)


Charles Vess

John Jude Palencar
John Picacio
Jason Zerrillo
Sam Weber

Premiul special – Professional

Jonathan Strahan pentru antologiile sale

Peter & Nicky Crowther : PS Publishing
Ellen Datlow : antologiile editate
Hayao Miyazaki : Ponyo
Barbara & Christopher Roden : Ash-Tree Press
Jacob & Rina Weisman : Tachyon Publications

Premiul special – Non-Professional
Susan Marie Groppi for Strange Horizons

John Berlyne for Powers - Secret Histories
Neil Clarke, Cheryl Morgan, & Sean Wallace - Clarkesworld
John Klima - Electric Velocipede
Bob Colby, B. Diane Martin, David Shaw, Eric M. Van - Readercon
Ray Russell & Rosalie Parker - Tartarus Press

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