

Premiul Memorial John W. Campbell pentru cel mai bun roman SF publicat în engleză (în anul precedent) este unul din cele trei premii importante în domeniul SF mondial.
Primul Premiu Campbell a fost decernat în 1973, la Institul Tehnologic din Illinois.

De atunci, Premiul Campbell a fost organizat în diverse locuri : California State University, Fullerton; St. John's College, Oxford; World SF Writers Conference, Dublin; Stockholm; World SF meeting, Dublin ; Universitatea Kansas; SFRA Convention,
Kansas City în 2007.

Premiul Campbell va fi decernat în cadrul manifestării intitulate Campbell Conference Awards Banquet, ce va avea loc în perioada 16-18 iulie 2010, la Universitatea Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, S.U.A.
În decursul celor trei zile sînt organizate discuții, mese rotunde, colocvii despre arta narativă, critică, editare, ilustrare, predarea SF-ului.

Paul di Filippo și Sheila Finch au fost numiți recent în juriu.
Finaliștii sînt :

"The Year of the Flood" - Margaret Atwood (ed.Talese)
"Julian Comstock : A Story of 22nd-Century America" - Robert Charles Wilson (Tor)
"The Windup Girl" - Paolo Bacigalupi (ed.Night Shade)
"Transition" - Iain M. Banks (ed.Orbit)
"Makers" - Cory Doctorow (ed.Tor)
"Steal Across the Sky" - Nancy Kress (ed.Tor)
"Gardens of the Sun" - Paul McAuley (ed.Pyr)
"Galileo’s Dream" - Kim Stanley Robinson (ed.Ballantine Spectra)
"WWW: Wake" - Robert J. Sawyer (ed.Ace; Gollancz)
"The Caryatids" - Bruce Sterling (d.Del Rey)
"Yellow Blue Tibia" - Adam Roberts (ed.Gollancz)
"The City & The City" - China Miéville (ed.Del Rey)

Premiul a fost creat de Harry Harrison și Brian W. Aldiss, în memoria scriitorului și editorului între 1937-1971 al revistei Astounding Science Fiction (din 1960 Analog), John Wood Campbell Jr.(1910-1971), supranumit ”părintele SF-ului modern american”.
Premiul Campbell își propune să recompenseze eforturile celor mai buni autori de limbă engleză.
Arta nefiind un exercițiu democratic, premiul Campbell este stabilit de un
juriu alcătuit din Gregory Benford, Paul Di Filippo, Sheila Finch, James Gunn, Elizabeth Anne Hull, Paul Kincaid, Christopher McKitterick, Pamela Sargent, T.A. Shippey.
Nominalizările provin de la membrii juriului și de la editorii de SF.
Chris McKitterick coordonează colectarea nominalizărilor în America de Nord și Paul Kincaid în Marea Britanie, membrii juriului analizează și dezbat meritele volumelor nominalizate pînă la începutul lunii mai.Apoi se anunță lista finaliștilor și se stabilește cîștigătorul care este invitat la Conferința Campbell și participă inclusiv la SF Writers Workshop din cadrul manifestării.

Premiile Campbell 1973-2009 :

1st Beyond Apollo, Barry N. Malzberg
2nd The Listeners, James Gunn
3rd Darkening Island (Fugue for a Darkening Plain), Christopher Priest
Special award for excellence in writing: Dying Inside, Robert Silverberg

1st (tie) Rendezvous with Rama, Arthur C. Clarke;
1st (tie) Malevil, Robert Merle
2nd (tie) The Embedding, Ian Watson;
2nd (tie) The Green Gene, Peter Dickinson
Special non-fiction award: The Cosmic Connection, Carl Sagan


1st Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said, Philip K. Dick
2nd The Dispossessed, Ursula K. Le Guin
3rd None awarded

1st The Year of the Quiet Sun, Wilson Tucker
2nd The Stochastic Man, Robert Silverberg
3rd Orbitsville, Bob Shaw

1st The Alteration, Kingsley Amis
2nd Man Plus, Frederik Pohl
3rd Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang, Kate Wilhelm

1st Gateway, Frederik Pohl
2nd Roadside Picnic, Arkady & Boris Strugatsky
3rd A Scanner Darkly, Philip K. Dick

1st Gloriana, Michael Moorcock
2nd And Having Writ..., Donald Benson
3rd Altered States, Paddy Chayefski

1st On Wings of Song, Thomas M. Disch
2nd Engine Summer, John Crowley
3rd The Unlimited Dream Company, J. G. Ballard

1st Timescape, Gregory Benford
2nd The Dreaming Dragons, Damien Broderick
3rd The Shadow of the Torturer, Gene Wolfe

Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban

1st Helliconia Spring, Brian W. Aldiss
2nd No Enemy But Time, Michael Bishop

1st The Citadel of the Autarch, Gene Wolfe
2nd The Birth of the People's Republic of the Antarctic, John Batchelor
3rd Tik-Tok, John Sladek

1st The Years of the City, Frederik Pohl
2nd Green Eyes, Lucius Shepherd
3rd Neuromancer, William Gibson

1st The Postman, David Brin
2nd Galapagos, Kurt Vonnegut
3rd (tie) Kiteworld, Keith Roberts;
3rd (tie) Blood Music, Greg Bear

1st A Door into Ocean, Joan Slonczewski
2nd This Is the Way the World Ends, James Morrow
3rd Speaker for the Dead, Orson Scott Card

1st Lincoln's Dreams, Connie Willis
2nd The Sea and Summer, George Turner
3rd The Unconquered Country, Geoff Ryman

1st Islands in the Net, Bruce Sterling
2nd The Gold Coast, Kim Stanley Robinson
3rd Dragonsdawn, Anne McCaffrey

1st The Child Garden, Geoff Ryman
2nd Farewell Horizontal, K. W. Jeter
3rd Good News from Outer Space, John Kessel

1st Pacific Edge, Kim Stanley Robinson
2nd Queen of Angels, Greg Bear
3rd Only Begotten Daughter, James Morrow

1st Buddy Holly Is Alive and Well on Ganymede, Bradley Denton
2nd The Difference Engine, William Gibson and Bruce Sterling
3rd (tie) A Woman of the Iron People, Eleanor Arnason;
3rd (tie) Stations of the Tide, Michael Swanwick;
3rd (tie) The Silicon Man, Charles Platt

1st Brother to Dragons, Charles Sheffield
2nd Sideshow, Sheri S. Tepper
3rd A Fire Upon the Deep, Vernor Vinge

1st No award
2nd Beggars in Spain, Nancy Kress
3rd Moving Mars, Greg Bear

1st Permutation City, Greg Egan
2nd Brittle Innings, Michael Bishop
3rd No award

1st The Time Ships, Stephen Baxter
2nd The Diamond Age, Neal Stephenson
3rd Chaga, Ian McDonald

1st Fairyland, Paul McAuley
2nd Blue Mars, Kim Stanley Robinson
3rd The Sparrow, Mary Doria Russell

1st Forever Peace, Joe Haldeman
2nd Slant, Greg Bear
3rd Secret Passages, Paul Preuss

1st Brute Orbits, George Zebrowski
2nd Starfarers, Poul Anderson
3rd Distraction, Bruce Sterling

1st A Deepness in the Sky, Vernor Vinge
2nd Darwin's Radio, Greg Bear
3rd Greenhouse Summer, Norman Spinrad

1st Genesis, Poul Anderson

1st (tie) Terraforming Earth, Jack Williamson;
1st (tie) The Chronoliths, Robert Charles Wilson
3rd Probability Sun, Nancy Kress

1st Probability Space, Nancy Kress
2nd Kiln People, David Brin
3rd Hominids, Robert J. Sawyer

1st Omega, Jack McDevitt
2nd Natural History, Justina Robson
3rd The X President, Philip Baruth

1st Market Forces, Richard Morgan
2nd Air, Geoff Ryman
3rd The Time Traveler's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger

1st Mindscan, Robert J. Sawyer
2nd Spin, Robert Charles Wilson
3rd The Summer Isles, Ian R. Macleod

1st Titan, Ben Bova
2nd The Last Witchfinder, James Morrow
3rd (tie) Farthing, Jo Walton
3rd (tie) Blindsight, Peter Watts

1st In War Times, Kathleen Ann Goonan
2nd The Yiddish Policeman's Union, Michael Chabon
3rd The Execution Channel, Ken MacLeod

1st (tie) Song of Time, Ian MacLeod
1st (tie) Little Brother, Cory Doctorow
3rd The Philosopher's Apprentice, James Morrow

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