

Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link, Gavin J. Grant – "The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror", vol. 3 (în curs de apariție)
Traduceri de Mihai-Dan Pavelescu, Antuza Genescu, Roxana Brânceanu, Gabriel Stoian, Ana-Veronica Mircea ("Băieţii buni sunt ai altcuiva"/The Good Ones are Already Taken de Ben Fountain ; "Frumoasa fiică a lui Pol Pot"/Pol Pot’s Beautiful Daughter de Geoff Ryman ; "Hăţişul"/Lionflower Hedge de Ira Sher).

colecţia Nautilus, 130 x 200, 704 pag., editura Nemira

Volumul numărul trei al antologiei "The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror" cuprinde douăzeci de autori considerați reprezentativi în genurile fantasy și horror în 2006, pentru că în acest volum s-a cuprins jumătate din conținutul volumului "The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2007: 20th Annual Collection", St. Martin's Griffin,608 pag., 2007:

1. Geoff Ryman - "Pol Pot's Beautiful Daughter"
2. Nik Houser - "First Kisses From Beyond the Grave"
3. Christopher Harman - "The Last to be Found"
4. Jeaninne Hall Gailey - poemele "Persephone and the Prince Meet Over Drinks" și "Becoming The Villainess"
5. Jeffrey Ford - "The Night Whiskey"
6. Ellen Klages - "In the House of the Seven Librarians"
7. Sarah Monette - "Drowning Palmer"
8. Joyce Carol Oates - "Landfill"
9. Ira Sher - "Lionflower Hedge"
10. Minsoo Kang - "A Fearful Symmetry"
11.Brett Alexander Savory - "Messages"
12.Stephen Gallagher - "The Box"
13.Frances Hardinge - "Halfway House"
14.Delia Sherman - "La Fee Verte"
15.Nathalie Anderson - poemul "Tell"
16.Nicholas Royle - "The Churring"
17.Kaaron Warren - "Dead Sea Fruit"
18.M.Rickert - "Journey into the Kingdom"
19.Ben Fountain - "The Good Ones Are Already Taken"
20.Ysabeau Wilce - "The Lineaments of Gratified Desire"

The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2007: 20th Annual Collection

Volumul numărul patru al antologiei "The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror"
va cuprinde restul de șaisprezece povestiri și anexele :
Sinteză 2006 : Fantasy, Sinteză 2006 : Horror, media, benzi desenate, romane grafice, muzică și necrologuri.

1. Christopher Rowe - "Another Word for Map is Faith"
2. John Schoffstall - "Fourteen Experiments in Postal Delivery"
3. Lee Battersby - "Father Muerte and the Flesh"
4. Margo Lanagan - "Winkie"
5. Scott Nicholson - "Dog Person"
6. Simon Clark - "The Extraordinary Limits of Darkness"
7. Tim Pratt - "Cup and Table"
8. Caleb Wilson - "Directions"
9. Terry Dowling - "La Profonde"
10.Margo Lanagan - "A Pig's Whisper"
11.Stephen Volk - "31/10"
12.Gene Wolfe - "Sob in the Silence"
13.Paul Di Filippo - "Femaville"
14.Benjamin Rosenbaum - "A Siege of Cranes"
15.Stephen Graham Jones - "Raphael"
16.Glen Hirshberg - "The Muldoon"
17."Summation 2006: Fantasy"
18."Summation 2006: Horror"
19."The Year in Media of the Fantastic: 2006"
20."Fantasy in Comics and Graphic Novels 2006"
21."Music of the Fantastic: 2006"
22."Obituaries: 2006"

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