

”Romanul Îngerul Păzitor al autorului George Lazăr, a fost acceptat pentru publicare pe Amazon, atît în versiunea tipărită cît și în versiunea electronicã, disponibilă pentru terminale de tip Kindle, la adresele http://www.amazon. com/Ingerul-pazitor-Romanian -George-Lazar/ dp/6068113043/
http://www.amazon. com/Îngerul-pazitor- ebook/dp/ B003H05YV0/

Împreună cu prietenul şi colegul Liviu Radu

"Amazon.com este cea mai mare librărie virtuală din lume și, cu excepția cîtorva titluri ale unor autori români din diaspora, pînă la romanul Îngerul Păzitor, nici un alt autor din România nu a mai ajuns, pânã în prezent, să fie listat pe acest site.
Publicarea a fost posibilã datoritã unei alte edituri, Eagle, care a încheiat un parteneriat cu Amazon prin care romanele a mai mulți autori români vor fi disponibile pentru cititorii din diaspora dar și pentru cei din țară."

Pe site-ul Amazon.com puteţi găsi următoarele informaţii:

"Imagine that one day someone arrives and warns you: you are about to die in a few days. Of course, you chase him away, a guy with gruesome jokes as a hobby. But he insists and proves you, using facts that only you should know, that he had indeed saved your life several times, in order for you to get to this moment. When, if you want to prolong your life, you must pay. Oh, I forgot to mention, only very rich people have the chance of this offer. The thought of a crook trying to blackmail you crosses your mind. Someone ready to set you up for a few dollars more. But no, he proves you that the device was invented, the one with which, in special conditions, we could have the chance of a glimpse to the future, a shortsighted one, but good enough to find out what we used to believe only God knows: your approximate arrival at death's door. If all these really happened, would you pay the money? What if your survival means the death of others, what would you choose? This novel, "Guardian Angel" promises the disclosure of a problem you never thought about. Your life, everybody's life has a price. It depends on how much are you willing to pay. And mostly, to live with the consequences."

"About the Author
George Lazar (born 03 February 1963, Vatra-Dornei, Suceava) is a contemporary Romanian writer of science fiction and thriller.
In 1971 he graduated the Automatic Faculty, from the Polytechnic Institute Iasi, specialization Computers. He is a member of the Romanian Society of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Literary works His debut was the story "An Universe of Peace", 1987 in Cosmos XXI Anthology.
He published short stories between 1982 and 1987 in "Opinia Studenteasca" (Student's Opinion) where he had a permanent column entitled "Utopia" but also in Argonaut (a supplement of "Convorbiri Literare" magazine), "Cronica" magazine and "Magazin" weekly. After 1990, he worked as a correspondent for "Monitorul de Iasi" daily newspaper than for "Monitorul de Botosani" which he manages in present day.
He edited the monthly SCI-FI MAGAZIN, between 2007 and 2008 (12 issues), where he published two stories and the "SCI-FI MAGAZIN" 2009 Almanac.
He was present with a story in the anthology "Alte tarmuri" (Other beaches) 2009. Novels: "America One" -2007 and "Ingerul Pazitor" (Guardian Angel) - 2009 Literary merits: - Honorable mention for story at the National Convention of literary circles SF ROMCON from 1982; - Second prize for story at The National Convention of literary circles SF ROMCON of 1983 (first prize wasn't awarded).
Selective critical references: - Thriller made in Romania, Mihai Iovanel, Gandul, November 22, 2007; - America One, a novel with movie potential, Mugur Cornila, Curentul, November 23, 2007."

Felicitări, George !

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