

Pe copertă scrie "optomistic" dar dincolo de o greșeală de ortografie sper ca tonalitatea textelor antologiei să fie optimist-lucidă și nu debordant optimistă precum antologiile SF binecunoscute din trecut care-și propuneau programatic să fie mobilizatoare în lupta pentru pace și o galaxie mai bună !

"SHINE is a collection of near-future, optimistic SF stories where some of the genres brightest stars and some of its most exciting new talents portray the possible roads to a better tomorrow. Definitely not a plethora of Pollyannas (but neither a barrage of dystopias), SHINE will show that positive change is far from being a foregone conclusion, but needs to be hardfought, innovative, robust and imaginative. Most importantly, it aims to demonstrate that while times are tough and outcomes are uncertain, we can still bend the future in benevolent ways if we embrace change and steer its momentum in the right direction. Let´s put the ´can´ back in “We can do it”, and make our tomorrows SHINE." - Jetse de Vries, autor și editor olandez

"Optimistic SF is like the future: a work in progress." - Jetse de Vries

Antologia "Shine" va fi lansată de Solaris Books în aprilie 2010.
Sumarul este acesta :
Alastair Reynolds - "At Budokan"
Eric Gregory - "The Earth of Yunhe"
Jacques Barcia - "The Greenman Watches the Black Bar Go Up, Up, Up"
Jason Stoddard - "Overhead"
Holly Phillips Summer - "Ice"
Paula R. Stiles - "Sustainable Development"
Gareth L. Powell & Aliette de Bodard - "The Church of Accelerated Redemption"
Lavie Tidhar - "The Solnet Ascendancy"
Mari Ness - "Twittering the Stars"
Silvia Moreno-Garcia - "Seeds"
Gord Sellar Sarging Rasmussen - "A Report by Organic"
Jason Andrew Scheherazade - "Caught in Starlight"
Eva Maria Chapman Russian - "Roulette 2020"
Kay Kenyon - "Castoff World"
Kenn Edgett - "Paul Kishosha’s Children"
Madeline Ashby - "Ishin"

Și de pe "Website at the End of the Universe", calendarul SF 2010 :

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