

Dupa Nina Munteanu,Alexandru Babeanu,Daniel Dociu, descopar alt roman,David Dumitru,scriitor si muzician,cetatean american,autor de SF,horror si
In e-zinul Future Fire nr.13/2008 (social,political and speculative cyber-fiction), i-a aparut povestirea "One Drop" :

In revista SF AEON(March 2008,Marti McKenna&Bridget McKenna, Quintamid LLC, $5.00, 209pp),tot nr.13 !!!:) 2008,povestirea "Little Moon, Too, Goes Round”.

"At the outset in David Dumitru’s “Little Moon, Too, Goes Round,” sixteen-year-old KC Moss finds a skull in the ground that she shows to her grandmother. She names it Yorkwick, a misnomer from Hamlet—the fellow Hamlet knew well. KC pines after Eddie Johnson, who had the lead in the school play, and upon going to the local doctor’s home, she finds Eddie mutating into a prime, a post-reproductive post-hominid. This is a bizarre little tale, but at the end, I was left wondering what had happened to these people and why there were two moons in the sky. KC is an appealing character and saves this story from what could have left me scratching my head even more. I know exposition is out of fashion, but in an SF piece such as this one, I could have used a bit more. Still, it has a quirky appeal."
Aceasta povestire este nominalizata de Rich Horton in antologia "The Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy",2009 Edition,ca una dintre cele relevante aparute in 2008.

"All About It " si "From the Inside Out" in antologia "Flatmancrooked",
Flatmancrooked Publishing; First edition October 1, 2008
"Sweet Hot Dog Soup"(in Flatmancrooked First Winter - Print Anthology)
"Oak",o povestire horror in antologia "All Hallows" #42, October 2006,ed. Barbara & Christopher Roden (Ghost Story Society,324pp,A5,cover by Paul Lowe)

Povestirea “Wash and Wear” in antologia "Who Died in Here ? ", ed. Pat Dennis, Penury Press 2004
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