

Revista SF online a lui Orson Scott Card
Numărul 15 - Noiembrie 2009

"Body Language" by Mary Robinette Kowal
"Lo'ihi Rising" by Geoffrey W. Cole
"The Report of a Doubtful Creature" by Ian Creasey
"Sweet as Honey" by Bradley P. Beaulieu
"Aim for the Stars" by Tom Pendergrass
Folk of the Fringe Serialization
"Pageant Wagon" by Orson Scott Card
Orson Scott Card Audio
"Aim for the Stars" by Tom Pendergrass-Read by Orson Scott Card
Tales for the Young and Unafraid
"Get out of Gym for Free" by David Lubar
InterGalactic Medicine Show Interviews
"InterGalactic Interview With Vernor Vinge" by Darrell Schweitzer
Columns and Reviews
"New England Gamer" by Stewart Shearer
"Princess Alethea's Magical Elixir" by Alethea Kontis
"Lit Geek" by James Maxey
"Miracle Pictographs" by Spencer Ellsworth
"At The Picture Show" by Chris Bellamy
"Chopsticks" by Mette Ivie Harrison
Guest Columns

"Digits & Dragons" by Greg Allen
"Literary Draughts: Tonics for the Curious Reader" by Tobias Buckell
"Book Hungry" by Jeremy Jose Orbe-Smith
"Camera Obscura" by John Joseph Adams
"Practical Magic" by Sara Ellis
"Wizard Oil" by Carol Pinchefsky
"Strong Medicine - Books That Cure What Ails You" by John Joseph Adams
"Far East Alchemy" by Jenny Rae Rappaport
"Dr. Dan's Elixir - Potent Magic for Young Minds" by Dan Shade

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