

Robert Paul Holdstock (nascut pe data de 2 August 1948)a incetat din viata duminica dimineata,29 noiembrie 2009.
Autorul britanic va ramine in tezaurul literaturii mondiale in special prin operele sale apartinind sub-genului fantasy, prin cele ilustrind nisa denumita ca mythic fantasy.
Este considerat ca fiind egalul unor autori precum Ursula K. Le Guin si John Crowley.

In Romania este cunoscut prin traducerile lui Mirel Palada,ale textelor "Codrul Mitago"(Mythago Wood,1981),nuvela distinsa cu premiile British Fantasy,1981 si World Fantasy in 1982 (Almanahul Anticipatia 1994)si povestirea "Maracinele"("The Ragthorn"),(Premiul World Fantasy 1992)scrisa in colaborare cu Garry Kilworth (Almanahul Anticipatia 1995).

Nuvela "Codrul Mitago" este considerat a fi primul sau text cu adevarat important care ulterior a fost inclus in seria "Ryhope Wood"

"Robert Holdstock's gift for evoking landscapes and weaving mythic patterns is outstanding." - Patrick Curry,
John Howe : "Holdstock is to me one of the best Celtic fantasy authors alive today."
In proza sa (fantasy si science fiction)a explorat teme filosofice,psihologice
si antropologice.
A primit trei premii BSFA si un premiu World Fantasy pentru roman in 1985.
Prima povestire (Pauper's Plot)i-a aparut in 1969 in revista New Worlds.
Primul roman SF,"Eye Among the Blind" i-a fost publicat in 1976.
A utilizat pseudonimele Robert Faulcon, Chris Carlsen, Richard Kirk, Robert Black, Ken Blake si Steven Eisler
Nuvela sa "The Dark Wheel" a fost adaptata ca scenariu al jocului video "Elite".


Nuvela "Mythago Wood"-BSFA Award for Best Short Story in 1981 si World Fantasy Award for Best Novella in 1982.
Romanul "Mythago Wood"-BSFA Award for Best Novel in 1984 si World Fantasy Award for Best Novel in 1985.
"Lavondyss"-BSFA Award for Best Novel in 1988.
"The Ragthorn",impreuna cu Garry Kilworth-World Fantasy Award in the category of Best Novella in 1992
"The Fetch" - HOMer Award for horror novel in 1992.
"The Iron Grail" - Premiul Academiei Cehe de de Science Fiction,Fantasy si Horror,categoria cel mai bun roman in 2002.
"La Forêt des Mythagos"("Mythago Wood")- Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire(Prix spécial) in 2003.
"Scarrowfell, Valley of Statues and Other Stories"-Prix d'Imaginales in 2004.
"Celtika"-Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire in 2004.

Berserker Trilogy (cu pseudonimul Chris Carlsen)
1. Shadow of the Wolf (1977)
2. The Bull Chief (1977)
3. The Horned Warrior (1979)

Mythago Wood
1. Mythago Wood (1984)
2. Lavondyss (1988)
3. The Bone Forest (1991)
4. The Hollowing (1992)
5. Merlin's Wood (1994)
6. Gate of Ivory (1997)
7. Avilion (2008)

Ryhope Wood Omnibus
1. Lavondyss & Mythago Wood (2007)
2. The Mythago Cycle Volume 2 (2007)

Merlin Codex
1. Celtika (2001)
2. The Iron Grail (2002)
3. The Broken Kings (2006)

Legend of the Werewolf (1976) (cu pseudonimul Robert Black)
Eye Among the Blind (1976)
The Satanists (1977) (cu pseudonimul Robert Black)
Earthwind (1977)
Necromancer (1978)
Space Wars (1979)
Where Time Winds Blow (1981)
The Emerald Forest (1985)
Ancient Echoes (1986)
Death Angel (1988) (writing as Robert Black)
The Fetch (1991)
Eye Among the Blind
Where Time Winds Blow
In the Valley of the Statues
The Emerald Forest (novelizare)
The Fetch
Ancient Echoes
In the Valley of the Statues: And Other Stories (1982)

1. Bulman (1984)
2. One of Our Pigeons Is Missing (1984)

Antologii (serii)
Other Edens (cu Christopher Evans)
1. Other Edens (1987)
2. Other Edens II (1988)
3. Other Edens III (1989)

Stars of Albion (1979) (with Christopher Priest)


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