
Dave Truesdale - A real friend

Am primit un mail de la Dave Truesdale. Dave Truesdale este editorul fanzinului Tangents -


Este columnist la Fantasy and Science Fiction - http://www.sfsite.com/fsf/2008/dt0803.htm

Este, într-adevăr, un bun prieten. Îi mulţumesc pentru cuvintele prieteneşti, pentru mâna pe care ne-o întinde. În scurt timp, pe site-ul www.srsff.ro, vom publica un eseu al d-lui Truesdale şi un interviu pe care l-a luat domnia sa unui cunoscut scriitor american. Îi mulţumesc pe aceasta cale. Şi-l aştept cu noi colaborări.

Un comentariu:

  1. Dear Sorin,

    I am flattered by your kind words. Thank you very much.

    The link you posted to Tangent is outdated, however. (http://www.tangentonline.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=158&Itemid=285): This is very old. Our current website (www.tangentonline.com) is the current website. We have been in the process of redesigning the website and we will be back online witha new look no later than 4 weeks from now.

    All of my F&SF online columns can be found here: http://www.sfsite.com/fsf/ddavetruesdale.htm

    The first two columns from 2006 are about Alfred Bester's book reviews for F&SF from the 1960's. It was so popular that the German SF print magazine Pandora reprinted both of them in their #2 issue in 2007.

    Again, thank you for your very nice words about me, Sorin. Feel free to email me any time if you have questions about American SF. If I cannot answer them, I will find someone who can help.

    Your friend,

    PS. Si iată cum SRSFF se mişcă. Îi mulţumim d-lui Truesdale. (Look that RSFFS is moving on. We thanks a lot to Mister Tuesdale)


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