
Premii 2009 pentru lucrari 2008

Au inceput sa fie anuntate propunerile pentru premiile SF ale anului 2009 pentru lucrari aparute in 2008. O sa incep cu Nebula, propuneri facute cunoscute in premiera de prietenii de la Cititor SF. Eu le preiau din Locus:


Abraham, Daniel: A Betrayal in Winter;
Barzak, Chris: One for Sorrow;
Bull, Emma: Territory;
Doctorow, Cory: Little Brother;
Goonan, Kathleen Ann: In War Times;
Le Guin, Ursula K.: Powers;
McDevitt, Jack: Cauldron;
McDonald, Ian: Brasyl;
Pratchett, Terry: Making Money;
Rothfuss, Patrick: The Name of the Wind.


Asaro, Catherine: The Spacetime Pool (Analog, Mar08);
Benford, Gregory: Dark Heaven (Alien Crimes, SFBC, Jan07);
Eskridge, Kelley: Dangerous Space (Dangerous Space, Aqueduct Press, Jun07);
Finlay, Charles Coleman: The Political Prisoner (F&SF, Aug08).


Bowes, Richard: If Angels Fight (F&SF, Feb08);
Flynn, Michael F. : Quaestiones Super Caelo et Mundo (Analog, Aug07 (Jul/Aug07 issue));
Gardner, James Alan: The Ray-Gun: A Love Story (Asimov's, Feb08);
Goldstein, Lisa: Dark Rooms (Asimov's, Nov07 (Oct/Nov 07 issue));
Kessel, John: Pride and Prometheus (F&SF, Jan08);
Kosmatka, Ted: The Prophet of Flores (Asimov's, Sep07);
Moles, David: Finisterra (F&SF, Dec07);
Sinisalo, Johanna: Baby Doll (The SFWA European Hall of Fame, Tor, Jun07 (trans. from the Finnish by David Hackston));
Wentworth, K.D.: Kaleidoscope (F&SF, May07).


Allen, Mike: The Button Bin (Helix: A Speculative Fiction Quarterly, Oct07 (Reprinted in Transcriptase);
Cassutt, Michael: Skull Valley (Asimov's, Nov07 (Oct/Nov 07 issue));
Finch, Sheila: Stranger Than Imagination Can (The Guild of Xenolinguists, Golden Gryphon Press, Sep07);
Ford, Jeffrey: The Dreaming Wind (Coyote Road, Trickster Tales, Viking Juvenile, Jul07);
Henderson, Samantha: Bottles (Realms of Fantasy, Apr07);
Hobson, M. K.: The Hotel Astarte (Realms of Fantasy, Jun07);
Johnson, Kij: 26 Monkeys, Also the Abyss (Asimov's, Jul08);
Jones, Gwyneth: The Tomb Wife (F&SF, Aug07);
Kelly, James Patrick: Don't Stop (Asimov's, Jun07);
Nestvold, Ruth: Mars: A Traveler's Guide (F&SF, Jan08);
Plante, Brian: The Astronaut (Analog, May07);
Rickert, Mary: Holiday (Subterranean #7, Sep07);
Scholes, Ken: Summer in Paris, Light From the Sky (Clarkesworld Magazine, Nov07);
Van Pelt, James: How Music Begins (Asimov's, Sep07).

Nu se pot nominaliza mai mult de 5 lucrari la fiecare categorie. Weekendul in care vor fi anuntate premiile acordate va avea loc in perioada 24 - 26 aprilie.

Postez un link in care se va gasi formularul cu ajutorul caruia se pot efectua propuneri pentru Premiile Hugo: http://www.anticipationsf.ca/files/uploads/Hugo_Nomination.pdf

Finalistii premiului Philip K. Dick:

Emissaries from the Dead, Adam-Troy Castro;
Fast Forward 2, Lou Anders, ed.;
Judge, Karen Traviss;
Plague War, Jeff Carlson;
Terminal Mind, David Walton;
Time Machines Repaired While-U-Wait, K.A. Bedford.

Castigatorul va fi anuntat pe 10 aprilie.

Daryl Gregory - Pandemonium a castigat Premiul Crowford pentru cel mai bun roman fantasy 2009. Alte volume finaliste:

Alive in Necropolis, Doug Dorst;
Superpowers, David Schwartz;
Thunderer, Felix Gilman;
Last Dragon, J.M. McDermott.

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