
A murit John Updike

Ieri a murit John Updike (18.03.1932 - 27.01.2009) si, chiar daca nu este un scriitor de SF, fiind unul dintre cei mai importanti romancieri americani contemporani, castigator al Premiului Pulitzer pentru romanele Rabbit is Rich, in 1982, si Rabbit at Rest, in 1991. Autor al romanului The Witches of Eastwick, publicat in 1984. Alte scrieri, conform Wikipedia:
Ciclul Rabbit:
Rabbit, Run, 1960
Rabbit Redux, 1971
Rabbit Is Rich, 1981
Rabbit At Rest, 1990
Rabbit Remembered (nuvelă din colecţiade povestiri „Licks of Love”), 2001

Colecţia Bech:
Bech: A Book, 1970
Bech Is Back, 1982
Bech At Bay, 1998
The Complete Henry Bech, 2001

Colecţia Buchanan:
Buchanan Dying, 1974
Memories of the Ford Administration, 1992

Alte romane:
The Poorhouse Fair, 1959
The Centaur, 1963
Of The Farm, 1965
Couples, 1968
A Month Of Sundays, 1975
Marry Me, 1977
The Coup, 1978
The Witches of Eastwick, 1984
Roger's Version, 1986
S., 1988
Brazil, 1994
In the Beauty of the Lilies, 1996
Toward The End Of Time, 1997
Gertrude and Claudius, 2000
Seek My Face, 2002
Villages, 2004
Terrorist, 2006
Cărţi pentru copii
The Magic Flute, 1962
The Ring, 1964
A Child's Calendar, 1965
Bottom's Dream, 1969
A Helpful Alphabet of Friendly Objects, 1996
Colecţii de proză scurtă:
The Same Door, 1959
Pigeon Feathers, 1962
A&P, 1962
Olinger Stories , 1964
The Music School, 1966
Museums And Women, 1972
Problems, 1979
Too Far To Go , 1979
Trust Me, 1989
The Afterlife, 1994
Licks of Love, 2001
The Early Stories: 1953-1975, 2003

The Carpentered Hen, 1958
Telephone Poles, 1963
Midpoint, 1969
Tossing and Turning, 1977
Facing Nature, 1985
Collected Poems 1953-1993, 1993
The best American short stories of the century, 2000
Americana: and Other Poems, 2001
A&P, 2006

Memorii, eseuri, critică:
Assorted Prose, 1965
Picked-Up Pieces, 1975
Hugging The Shore, 1983
Self-Consciousness: Memoirs, 1989
Just Looking, 1989
Odd Jobs, 1991
Golf Dreams: Writings on Golf, 1996
More Matter, 1999
Still Looking: Essays on American Art, 2005

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