

Discutam la postarea precedentă (Premiile europene SF)despre premiile SF franceze.
Să trecem la cele englezeşti.

Autre chose,mes amis,excuse my french.
Altceva decît lipsa de relevanţă mondială a premiilor SF franţuzeşti şi a literaturii SF provenind din hexagon.

Vorbim despre o cultură matură a SF-ului,o pleiadă de mari scriitori,de opere de notorietate,de o organizaţie naţională puternică şi reprezentativă-BSFA,de un fandom adevărat,de o piaţă de carte dezvoltată,de cerere şi consum de carte SF şi last but not least,de ceea ce reprezintă universalitatea vehiculului comunicaţional al limbii engleze.

Sînt istorici ai genului care consideră Science Fiction-ul,ca fiind o creaţie a geniului englezesc,începînd cu "Utopia" a lui Thomas Morus,"Noua Atlantidă" a lui Francis Bacon,"Călătoriile lui Gulliver" de Swift,Mary Shelley,Robert Louis Stevenson,Arthur Conan Doyle,Herbert George Wells,ca să menţionăm numai cîţiva înaintaşi.
Chiar dacă sînt argumente pro şi contra acestei afirmaţii,este cert că SF-ul european la ora actuală înseamnă la nivel mondial,îndeosebi SF britanic.

După cum bine ştiţi sînt două mari premii SF în UK, Premiul BSFA (cel mai vechi,din 1969) şi Premiul Arthur C.Clarke (decernat din 1987).
Aceste două premii au notorietate şi relevanţă mondială,reprezentînd un criteriu valoric şi soldîndu-se cu creşteri de tiraje,cu solicitări de traduceri în alte limbi,cu noi contracte oferite de edituri,laureaţilor.

British Science Fiction Association (BSFA) decernează Premiul anual BSFA pe baza voturilor membrilor BSFA şi a membrilor înregistraţi & plătitori participanţi la Convenţia anuală britanică,Eastercon-ul.

Iată şi lista premiilor BSFA :

Roman: Brasyl - Ian McDonald
Short Fiction: Lighting Out - Ken MacLeod
Artwork: Cracked World,coperta disLocations -Andy Bigwood

Roman: End of the World Blues - Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Short Fiction: The Djinn's Wife - Ian McDonald
Artwork: coperta la Time Pieces Angelbot-Christopher "Fangorn" Baker

Roman: Air - Geoff Ryman (trad.rom,editura Tritonic)
Short Fiction: Magic for Beginners - Kelly Link
Artwork: coperta Interzone #200 - Pawel Lewandowski
Nonfiction Award: Soundings: Reviews 1992-1996 - Gary K. Wolfe

Roman: River of Gods - Ian McDonald
Short Fiction: Mayflower II - Stephen Baxter
Artwork: coperta, Newton's Wake(Vînătorii de fulgere,în trad.rom)- Stephan Martinière (ediţia americană)

Roman: Felaheen - Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Short Fiction: The Wolves in the Walls - Neil Gaiman & Dave McKean
Artwork: coperta, The True Knowledge of Ken MacLeod - Colin Odell
Nonfiction: Reading Science Fiction - Farah Mendlesohn

Roman: The Separation - Christopher Priest
Short Fiction:Coraline-Neil Gaiman(trad.rom.,editura Tritonic)
Artwork: copertă, Interzone 179 - Dominic Harman
Related Publication: Introduction to Maps: The Uncollected John Sladek-David Langford

Roman: Chasm City - Alastair Reynolds
Short Story: "Children of Winter" - Eric Brown (Interzone 163)
Artwork: coperta,Omegatropic-Colin Odell
Non-fiction: Omegatropic - Stephen Baxter

Roman: Ash: A Secret History - Mary Gentle (trad.rom.,editura Tritonic)
Short story: "The Suspect Genome" - Peter F. Hamilton (Interzone 156)
Artwork: Hideaway - Dominic Harman (coperta, Interzone 157)

Roman: The Sky Road - Ken MacLeod
Short story : "Hunting the Slarque" - Eric Brown (Interzone 141)
Artwork: Jim Burns, Darwinia (coperta,Darwinia - Robert Charles Wilson)

Roman: The Extremes - Christopher Priest
Short story: "La Cenerentola" - Gwyneth Jones (Interzone 136)
Artwork: Jim Burns, 'Lord Prestimion' (coperta, Interzone 138)

Roman: The Sparrow - Mary Doria Russell
Short story: "War Birds" - Stephen Baxter (Interzone 126)
Artwork: SMS ('The Black Blood of the Dead' coperta, Interzone 116)

Roman: Excession - Iain M. Banks
Short story: "A Crab Must Try" - Barrington J. Bayley (Interzone 103)
Artwork: Jim Burns (coperta, Ancient Shores)

Roman:The Time Ships - Stephen Baxter ,(trad.rom.)
Short story: "The Hunger and Ecstasy of Vampires" - Brian Stableford (versiune prescurtată, Interzone 91/92)
Artwork: Jim Burns (coperta,Seasons of Plenty)

Roman: Feersum Endjinn - Iain M. Banks
Short: "The Double Felix" - Paul di Filippo (Interzone)
Artwork: Jim Burns

Roman: Aztec Century - Christopher Evans
Short story: "The Ragthorn" - Robert Holdstock & Garry Kilworth (Interzone)
Artwork: Jim Burns
Special Award: The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. John Clute & Peter Nicholls

Roman: Red Mars - Kim Stanley Robinson (trad.rom.,editura Nemira)
Short story: "Innocent" - Ian McDonald (New Worlds 2)
Artwork: Jim Burns

Roman: The Fall of Hyperion - Dan Simmons
Short story: "Bad Timing" - Molly Brown (Interzone)
Media: Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Artwork: Mark Harrison

Roman: Take Back Plenty - Colin Greenland
Short story: "The Original Doctor Shade" - Kim Newman (Interzone)
Media: Twin Peaks
Artist: Ian Miller

Roman: Pyramids - Terry Pratchett
Short story: "In Translation" - Lisa Tuttle (Zenith)
Media: Red Dwarf
Artist: Jim Burns

Roman: Lavondyss - Robert Holdstock
Short story: "Dark Night in Toyland" - Bob Shaw (Interzone)
Media: Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Artist: Alan Lee

Roman: Grainne - Keith Roberts
Short story: "Love Sickness" - Geoff Ryman (Interzone)
Media: Star Cops
Artist: Jim Burns

Roman: The Ragged Astronauts - Bob Shaw(trad.rom,editura Pygmalion)
Short story: "Kaeti and the Hangman" - Keith Roberts (în antologia Kaeti & Company)
Media: Aliens
Artist: Keith Roberts

Roman: Helliconia Winter - Brian W. Aldiss
Short story: "Cube Root" - David Langford (Interzone)
Media: Brazil
Artist: Jim Burns

Roman: Mythago Wood - Robert Holdstock
Short story: "The Unconquered Country" - Geoff Ryman (Interzone)
Media: The Company of Wolves
Artist: Jim Burns

Roman: Tik-Tok - John Sladek
Short story:"After-Images" - Malcolm Edwards(Interzone)(trad.rom.,Almanahul Anticipaţia)
Media: Android
Artist: Bruce Pennington

Roman: Helliconia Spring - Brian W. Aldiss (trad.rom.)
Short story: "Kitemaster" - Keith Roberts (Interzone)
Media: Blade Runner
Artist: Tim White

Roman: The Shadow of the Torturer - Gene Wolfe
Short story: "Mythago Wood" - Robert Holdstock (F&SF)/(trad.rom.,Almanahul Anticipaţia)
Media: Time Bandits
Artist: Bruce Pennington

Roman: Timescape - Gregory Benford (trad.rom.,editura Nemira)
Short story: "The Brave Little Toaster" - Thomas M. Disch (F&SF)
Media: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" second radio series - Douglas Adams
Artist: Peter Jones

Roman: The Unlimited Dream Company - J. G. Ballard
Short story: "Palely Loitering" - Christopher Priest (F&SF)
Media: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy record
Artist: Jim Burns

Roman: A Scanner Darkly - Philip K. Dick(trad.rom.,editura Nemira)
Antologie: Deathbird Stories - Harlan Ellison
Media: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (original radio series) - Douglas Adams

Roman: The Jonah Kit - Ian Watson

Roman: Brontomek! - Michael G. Coney
Premiu special: A Pictorial History of Science Fiction - David Kyle

Roman: Orbitsville - Bob Shaw

Roman: Inverted World - Christopher Priest (trad.rom.,ed.Nemira)

Roman: Rendezvous with Rama - Arthur C. Clarke (trad.rom.)
Premiu special : Billion Year Spree by Brian W. Aldiss

Premiul nu s-a acordat.

Antologie: The Moment of Eclipse - Brian W. Aldiss

Roman: The Jagged Orbit - John Brunner (trad.rom.)

Roman: Stand on Zanzibar - John Brunner (trad.rom.)


Premiul Arthur C. Clarke se acordă romanelor SF publicate pentru prima oară în Marea Britanie,în anul precedent.
Premiul se bazează pe un grant de la Arthur C. Clarke şi şi s-a decernat pentru prima dată în 1987.

Volumul laureat este ales de un juriu constînd din reprezentanţi ai British Science Fiction Association(Niall Harrison,Claire Weaver), Science Fiction Foundation(Pat Cadigan,Francis Spufford) şi dintr-o a treia organizaţie,acum SF Crowsnest(Pauline Morgan).

Premiul este administrat de Fundaţia Serendip.
Căştigătorul primeşte o sumă în lire sterline echivalente cu anul curent(2008£ în anul 2008).
În ultimii ani,Premiul A.C.Clarke a fost decernat în prima seară a deschiderii festivalului de film SCI-FI-LONDON.

Lista laureaţilor :

"Black Man" - Richard Morgan
(Romane nominalizate : "The H-Bomb Girl"-Stephen Baxter ;"The Red Men"-Matthew de
Abaitua ;"The Carhullan Army"-Sarah Hall;The Raw Shark Texts-Steven Hall
(trad.rom.,editura Polirom;"The Execution Channel-Ken MacLeod)

2007: Nova Swing - M. John Harrison (în pregătire,ed.Tritonic)
2006: Air by Geoff Ryman (trad.rom.,editura Tritonic)
2005: Iron Council - China Miéville (trad.rom.,editura Tritonic)
2004: Quicksilver - Neal Stephenson
2003: The Separation - Christopher Priest
2002: Bold as Love - Gwyneth Jones
2001: Perdido Street Station - China Miéville (trad.rom.ed.Tritonic)
2000: Distraction - Bruce Sterling (S.U.A.)
1999: Dreaming in Smoke - Tricia Sullivan
1998: The Sparrow - Mary Doria Russell
1997: The Calcutta Chromosome - Amitav Ghosh (India)(trad.rom.)
1996: Fairyland - Paul J. McAuley
1995: Fools - Pat Cadigan (S.U.A)
1994: Vurt - Jeff Noon
1993: Body of Glass - Marge Piercy (He, She and It-în ediţie americană)
1992: Synners - Pat Cadigan (S.U.A.)
1991: Take Back Plenty - Colin Greenland
1990: The Child Garden - Geoff Ryman
1989: Unquenchable Fire - Rachel Pollack
1988: The Sea and Summer - George Turner (Australia)
1987: The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood (Canada)/(trad.rom.)

Un comentariu:

  1. I was looking to see what people have written on the artist Jim Burns. Shame you haven't got some small jpg images of the covers he did here. We have prints of his work at Artists UK and you may find some small jpgs for some of them there - www.artistsuk.co.uk. Amazing work and it is a shame he has never really got the praise he deserves from the general public for such brilliant airbrush work.


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