

Pe 14 noiembrie,Cătălin Sandu scria pe blogul său despre grupajul din New Scientist dedicat science-fiction-ul.Însemnarea lui Cătălin se intitulează "Despre science fiction,numai de bine".

Ieri seară,am intrat pe site-ul Locus şi am remarcat următoarele :
„New Scientist's science fiction special includes Marcus Chown asking Is science fiction dying? and contributions from Margaret Atwood, Stephen Baxter, William Gibson, Ursula K. Le Guin, Kim Stanley Robinson, and Nick Sagan”

Am urmat link-ul şi am citit cîte ceva din contribuţiile mai sus amintite.
Trebuie să admit că şi prietenul Gyuri Gyorfi a fost mai harnic şi s-a mobilizat rapid.
Le mulţumim şi lui Cătălin şi lui Gyuri şi le recunoaştem iniţiativa !

“New Scientist cover story this week underlines how science is increasingly stranger than fiction. This has led some to wonder whether the days of sci-fi are numbered (see "Is science fiction dying?").
We ran a poll to investigate, and found that most of those who replied do indeed prefer vintage sci-fi - such as Frank Herbert's "Dune" (1965) and Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" (1951) - to more recent works from the likes of Iain M. Banks or Neal Stephenson (see "Your all-time favourite sci-fi").
But the comments showed that sci-fi can still invoke passionate feelings, reveal the world in a new light, and even change the course of someone's life.
Despite the claims of the doomsayers, sci-fi provides a way to explore our deepest desires and fears. Long may it provide the history of the future and a captivating glimpse of imaginary worlds."

"Science fiction special: The future of a genre
Science fiction is all about the future, but what does the future hold for science fiction?
These days, science can be stranger than science fiction, and mainstream literature is increasingly futuristic and speculative. So are the genre's days numbered? We asked six leading writers for their thoughts on the future of science fiction, including Margaret Atwood, William Gibson and Kim Stanley Robinson.
Plus, we review the latest sci-fi novels, highlight the writers to watch and reveal the results our poll of your all-time favourite sci-fi films and books."

Ce viitor are science-fictionul? a întrebat New Scientist
http://www.newscien tist.com/ article/dn14757- science-fiction- special-the- future-of- a-genre.html? DCMP=NLC- nletter&nsref= dn14757

Oare genul este pe moarte? se întreabã Marcus Chown
http://www.newscien tist.com/ article/mg200268 21.500-scifi- special-is- science-fiction- dying.html

Au mai fost intrebaţi:

Margaret Atwood
http://www.newscien tist.com/ article/mg200268 22.100-scifi- special-margaret -atwood.html

Stephen Baxter
http://www.newscien tist.com/ article/mg200268 22.000-scifi- special-stephen- baxter--. html

William Gibson
http://www.newscien tist.com/ article/mg200268 21.600-scifi- special-william- gibson.html

Ursula K Le Guin
http://www.newscien tist.com/ article/mg200268 21.700-scifi- special-ursula- k-le-guin. html

Kim Stanley Robinson
http://www.newscien tist.com/ article/mg200268 21.800-scifi- special-kim- stanley-robinson .html

Nick Sagan
http://www.newscien tist.com/ article/mg200268 21.900-scifi- special-nick- sagan.html

Book reviews
"Anathem" by Neal Stephenson - including an exclusive video interview with Stephenson
"The Last Theorem" by Arthur C Clarke and Frederik Pohl
"City at the End of Time" by Greg Bear
"Saturn's Children" by Charles Stross
"Incandescence" by Greg Egan
Plus: The best of the rest - including an exclusive video interview with Brian Greene
Who are the hot new writers to watch out for?
Your favourite sci-fi
Read the results of our readers' poll
See all the votes in the film poll
See all the votes in the book poll
Find out New Scientist's favourite sci-fi:
New Scientist staffers' favourite (and most hated) sci-fi films
New Scientist staffers' favourite (and most-difficult-to-understand) sci-fi books
Copyright : New Scientist

Un singur lucru nu-mi place : sintagma sci-fi ,utilizată de imbecilii de pe la televiziunile comerciale şi de...defunctul Sci-Fi Magazin ! :)

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