

Copyright : Daniel Dociu ("Crescent Cities",Premiul Spectrum 2007)

Daniel Dociu a fost implicat în numeroase proiecte de art direction în jocurile video, iar pregătirea universitara ca designer industrial l-a ajutat să se remarce ca şi concept artist.
“La început am vrut cu disperare sa creez un stil pentru mine însumi.
Cu cît încercam mai mult, cu atît mai rău mă simţeam. De-abia cînd am renunţat la căutarea intenţionată a stilului şi am lăsat lucrurile să se întîmple natural şi fără efort, stilul a început să se cristalizeze." afirma Daniel Dociu într-un interviu.
Pana în prezent Daniel Dociu este cîştigătorul a numeroase premii şi în prezent este Chief Art Director în compania NCsoft,Seattle,S.U.A.

Este şi un cunoscut grafician de coperţi ale unor volume SF apărute la editura TOR.

Copyright : Daniel Dociu ("Skybridge")

Reproduceri ale lucrărilor sale se găsesc pe blogul artistului :

Adresa lui Daniel Dociu este :
19002 NE 127 Street,Redmond, WASHINGTON, 98052425 883 9007 h.425 443 0179 c ,USA

"Daniel Dociu was raised in Cluj, the capital of Transylvania in Romania. After studying art and architecture, he got his Masters in Industrial Design from the Academy of Fine Arts in Cluj.
He moved to the USA in 1990 after spending two years in Athens, and he has lived in the Seattle area since 1991.After working as a toy designer for two years, Dociu wisely jumped ship to interactive entertainment.
“I’ve been working as an Art Director in the games industry ever since,” says Dociu, “for companies like Squaresoft, Electronic Arts (twice!), Zipper Interactive. I have done consulting for Microsoft and freelance work for Wizards of the Coast, Digital Anvil as well as a fair share of small developers who have come and gone.” For the past three years, Daniel Dociu has been with ArenaNet, a fully owned subsidiary of NCSoft, in an art director and lead concept artist role, currently working on the fourth chapter of the Guild Wars series."

"Seattle-based concept artist Daniel Dociu is Chief Art Director for ArenaNet, the North American wing of NCSoft, an online game developer with headquarters in Seoul. Most notably, Dociu heads up the production of game environments for Guild Wars – to which GameSpot gave 9.2 out of 10, specifically citing the game's "gorgeous graphics" and its "richly detailed and shockingly gigantic" world.
Dociu has previously worked with Electronic Arts; he has an M.A. in industrial design; and he won both Gold and Silver medals for Concept Art at this year's Spectrum awards."

CV-ul lui Daniel Dociu
2003 – Present: ArenaNet, Art Director /
Concept Artist• Guildwars: Prophecies• Guildwars: Factions2000-03: EA Canada, Creative Art Director / Concept Artist• SSX 3• Triple Play 2003• Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 • James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing• James Bond 007: NightFire• FIFA Soccer 2002• SSX Tricky1996-00: Zipper Interactive,
Art Director / Concept Artist• SOCOM: US Navy Seals• Crimson Skies• MechWarrior III• MechWarrior: Pirates’ Moon• Top Gun: Hornets’ Nest• Recoil
1994-96: Electronic Arts Seattle, Art Director / Concept Artist• Reboot• FIFA 1992-94: SquareSoft, Art Director / Concept Artist. • Secret of Evermore• Worlds Within (development completed by Big Rain and Crave, published as “Shadow Madness”)Freelance Concept Artist Clients include Wizards of the Coast, Microsoft, NightLight ’90-’92: Ace Novelty:

Product Designer’89-’90: Gourlis Signs (Athens, Greece)

Graphic Designer’86-’89: Fine Arts Academy (Cluj, Romania)
Assistant Professor’82-’86: Industrial Designer (Romania)
Education:Masters Degree in Industrial Design, Fine Arts Academy,Cluj,Romania, 1982.

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